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[SourceCodegabor filter code

Description: gabor filter
Platform: | Size: 865 | Author: huyaling507@gmail.com | Hits:

[SourceCodegabor filter

Description: gabor filter的matlab实现.
Platform: | Size: 1043 | Author: hengji | Hits:

[Special Effects1D gabor Filter

Description: Description: Recent studies on Mathematical modeling of visual cortical cells [Kulikowski/Marcelja/Bishop:1982] suggest a tuned band pass filter bank structure. These filters are found to have Gaussian transfer functions in the frequency domain. Thus, taking the Inverse Fourier Transform of this transfer function we get a filter characteristics closely resembling to the Gabor filters. The Gabor filter is basically a Gaussian (with variances sx and sy along x and y-axes respectively) modulated by a complex sinusoid (with centre frequencies U and V along x and y-axes respectively).
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: gz | Hits:

[Special EffectsFeature Extraction and Gabor Filtering_C+Matlab.ra

Description: Garbor filter is famous for its approximation to the characteristic of Cortex in human vision system. The state-of-the-arts advancement in computer vision application demonstrates the success and promissing of this technique. This directory contains the codes for Gabor filtering and texture feature extraction. The strategy of constructing the Gabor filter bank is based on the accompanied paper included in the subdirectory.-Garbor filter is famous for its approximation to the characteristic of Cortex in human vision system. The state-of-the-arts advancement in computer vision applicationdemonstrates the success and promissing of this technique.This directory contains the codes for Gabor filtering and texture feature extraction . The strategy of constructing the Gabor filter bank is based on the accompanied paperincluded in the subdirectory.
Platform: | Size: 966656 | Author: 杨愚根 | Hits:

[2D GraphicGabor

Description: 计算Gabor滤波器函数. Gabor1.m:4个方向的Gabo滤波器模板的图像显示. Gabor2.m:4个方向的Gabor滤波器对lena进行滤波的顶层调用模块. gabor.m:绘制一个Gabor滤波器的空域和频域函数图. compute.m:计算Gabor滤波器函数(要被上面3个模块调用,这3个模块彼此独立)-Gabor filter function calculation. Gabor1.m: 4 directions Gabo filter template image display. Gabor2.m: 4 directions of the Gabor filter for filtering lena call top-level module. Gabor.m: Drawing of a Gabor filter browser s airspace and frequency domain function Fig. compute.m: Calculation of Gabor filter function (to be above three modules call, this three modules independent of each other)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 赵立桐 | Hits:


Description: 一个Gabor滤波器的C++源码,实现了Gabor的变换功能-A Gabor filter C++ Source, realize the Gabor transform of the function
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: tianzhiheng | Hits:

[Special EffectsGabor

Description: 基于改进的Gabor滤波指纹图像增强算法 研究-Gabor filter based on an improved algorithm for fingerprint image enhancement
Platform: | Size: 199680 | Author: 高彪 | Hits:

[Graph programGabor

Description: gabor滤波器的源码,可以特征处理或者-gabor filter source, you can deal with the characteristics or
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: michael | Hits:

[Special Effectsgabor

Description: Gabor滤波器经常被用于形状检测和特征提取,本文档作为gabor filter的tutorial性文档,详细介绍了gabor filter的原理 和特点 对要使用gaborfilter的初学者大有裨益-Gabor filters are often used to shape detection and feature extraction, gabor filter in this document as a document of the tutorial, detailing gabor filter theory and the characteristics of the beginners to use gaborfilter benefit
Platform: | Size: 224256 | Author: 刘宋 | Hits:

[Special Effectsgabor

Description: 基于生物视觉的Gabor滤波器在图像边缘检测的应用-Based on biological vision Gabor filter in the application of image edge detection
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: guomin | Hits:

[Special Effectsgabor

Description: gabor filter for matlab 7.1
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: mohammad reza | Hits:


Description: Source code for 2D Gabor filter
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: mohsn | Hits:

[Graph Recognizegabor

Description: Tutorial for Gabor filter basic-Tutorial for Gabor filter basic...
Platform: | Size: 160768 | Author: pranay | Hits:

[Software Engineeringgabor

Description: 本文件包含了几个关于用gabor滤波器做指纹识别的论文,希望对大家有用-This document contains a number of gabor filter used to do on the fingerprint identification papers, in the hope that useful
Platform: | Size: 2954240 | Author: han | Hits:

[Special Effectsgabor

Description: Gabor小波变换代码用于局部特征提取使用,又相当好的效果-Gabor texture descriptor have gained much attention for different aspects of computer vision and pattern recognition. Recently, on the rayleigh nature of Gabor filter outputs Rayleigh model Gabor texture descriptor is proposed. In this paper, we investigate the performance of these two Gabor texture descriptor in texture classification. We built a texture classification system based on BPNN, and use the corresponding feature vector from traditional Gabor texture descriptor or Rayleigh model one as input of BPNN. We use three datasets from the Brodatz album database. For all the three datasets, the original texture images are subdivided into non-overlapping samples of size 32 × 32. 50 of the total samples are used for training and the rest are used for testing. We compare the system training time and recognition accuracy between two Gabor texture descriptor. The experimental results show that, it takes more time when using Rayleigh model Gabor texture descriptor than tr
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 力量 | Hits:

[2D Graphicgabor

Description: gabor滤波器算法源码,c语言描述,有兴趣可以拿去参考参考-gabor filter algorithm source code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lihuo | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsgabor

Description: provides the outputs of the Gabor filter bank
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Alex | Hits:


Description: 实现Gabor滤波的源代码,包括C++、matlab源程序,还有介绍其原理的word文件-Gabor filter realization of the source code, including C++, matlab source, as well as introduce the principle of word document
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 陈颖 | Hits:

[Graph programgabor filter

Description: gabor filter的滤波例子和程序,例子和程序说明非常详细。(Gabor filter filter examples and procedures, examples and procedures are described in great detail.)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: felix1499 | Hits:


Description: 基于Gabor滤波器的图像纹理特征提取,这是Matlab文件,参数可以自己调整。其中包含一个主程序,多个子函数程序。(Image texture extraction based on Gabor filter in Matlab)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: mvr | Hits:
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